$20K Electric Car You Can Buy Today

20K electric car

An Electric Car You Can Buy Today: The $20K TRIAC EV : Gas 2.0
TRIAC Electric Car. Range: 60-100 Miles. Cost: 2 cents per mile

This little number has been getting some good press lately see EcoGeek and Inhabit, and for good reason: it’s the first commercially available electric vehicle with a price tag and functionality that could meet the needs of the average city driver assuming you can afford it.

OK, you aren’t going to fit a family of 5 in there, but that’s not what it’s made for. Green Vehicles, manufacturer of the 3-wheeled TRIAC EV, calls it a “modern freeway commuter,” because the zero-emissions vehicle can reach 80 mph and will get you into the carpool lane with a single driver. Safety-wise, it has a structural steel cage the company says is the “same metal skeleton used in race cars” and a low center of gravity to maintain balance but surprisingly has no airbags.

Back at home, it takes about 6 hours to charge the car’s lithium-ion batteries at an estimated cost of about 2 cents per mile. Not a bad deal if you can afford the $20,000 price tag. The company website says the TRIAC EV is currently available at dealerships in San Jose and Mill Valley, California, and should be more widely available in the future..

Final thoughts: to me, it looks like they added an extra wheel to a racing bike and built a canopy around it, which makes it a powerful ride but a lot safer and a lot greener. Generous State/Federal tax credits would put this car within reach for many more drivers, like the $4,000 Federal credit for electric vehicles that ended in 2006.

Want one of these? Check out the Green Vehicles website.

Big solar: Utility-scale power plants arise

solar farm

Big solar: Utility-scale power plants arise

Posted by Martin LaMonica 1 comment

When it comes to solar these days, it’s go big or go home.

Utilities are being pushed to use more renewable energy, heating up the business of large-scale solar power. Click here for related photo gallery.

There are competing designs for utility-scale solar farms. By concentrating light to make steam, some designs use heat to generate electricity. In parallel, other companies concentrate light onto photovoltaic cells to generate electricity.

Click on the image to view a photo gallery of different utility-scale solar technologies.
Credit: Schott

The latter, known as concentrating photovoltaic CPV systems, may make more sense in a broader set of geographies, compared with concentrating solar thermal. Both forms of concentrating solar power are meant to improve on sun-tracking flat panels.

Which technological approach will win out isn’t clear yet, but the demand for centralized solar-power generation systems is there.

Prometheus Institute forecasts that 50 gigawatts of electricity could be generated this way by 2020. Currently, there 430 megawatts worth of concentrating solar power systems installed around the world, according to Emerging Energy Research.

Big solar: Utility-scale power plants arise | Green Tech – CNET News.com

Hybrid Drivers

Race for Fuel Efficiency

Evan Hirsche averages 43 mpg with his Prius, while Katie Sebastian, shown with her son, Cole, averages 41 mpg. The drivers have friendly rivalry over their mpg scores, fueled by the Prius hybrid's real-time mileage readings.

Evan Hirsche averages 43 mpg with his Prius, while Katie Sebastian, shown with her son, Cole, averages 41 mpg. The drivers have friendly rivalry over their mpg scores, fueled by the Prius hybrid’s real-time mileage readings. (By Kevin Clark — The Washington Post)

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 26, 2008

Katie Sebastian accuses her friend Evan Hirsche of getting better mileage than she does because he lives in Bethesda and has flatter everyday trips than she encounters in hilly Takoma Park. She suspects the Hirsche family of taking frequent long drives out of town, which also helps them.

“They claim they haven’t been out of town in a while,” she said, “but I know they have.”

Hirsche retorts: “It is well known that Katie is a lead-footer.”

Their friendly rivalry stems from the Prius effect. Both drive a Prius, the Toyota hybrid with an elaborate dashboard monitor that constantly informs drivers how many miles per gallon they are getting and whether the engine is running on battery or gasoline power. That can change driving in startling ways, making drivers conscious of their driving habits, then adjusting them to compete for better mileage. (Sebastian has 41 mpg, Hirsche 43.)

The Prius, and other hybrids with similar displays, has triggered on-the-spot learning that has the potential to change energy-consumption habits. The implications go far beyond the family car, with new devices for the home offering ways to encourage significant change in energy use.

“Once you start making fuel consumption more visible, you have something that comes to the forefront of people’s minds instead of lurking in the background,” said Sarah Darby, a researcher who studies energy feedback technologies at the University of Oxford‘s Environmental Change Institute. The monitors “show the consequences of your actions,” she says. “This gives you feedback that alters actions, and encourages you to try and improve things.”


Clean Energy Economy

clean energy worker

Thousands of new companies, millions of new jobs, and billions in revenue generated by solutions to the climate crisis — this is the clean energy economy we can adopt with today’s technologies, resources, know-how, and leadership from our elected officials. Although our reliance on fossil fuels has created global warming, we now have the opportunity and obligation to begin a transformation towards a robust clean energy economy — one that is supported by highly efficient industries, fueled by clean, renewable resources (like wind, solar and geothermal energy), and based on modern infrastructure and smart transportation planning.

A clean energy economy is a win for American jobs. A recent report showed that investment in a clean and efficient economy would “lead to over 3 million new green-collar jobs, stimulate $1.4 trillion in new GDP, add billions in personal income and retail sales, produce $284 billion in net energy savings, all while generating sufficient returns to the U.S. treasury to pay for itself over ten years.”

Clean Energy Economy | We Can Solve It

Let it blow

Blow me, big oil
Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens has placed an the largest ever order for wind turbines: he ordered 667 wind turbines from GE, each costing $3 million dollars, making the total order $2 billion. Pickens plans to develop the world’s largest wind farm in the panhandle of Texas.

The $2 billion order is just one quarter of the total amount he plans to purchase. Once built, the wind farm would have the capacity to supply power to over 1,200,000 homes in North Texas. Each turbine will produce 1.5 megawatts of electricity. The first phase of the project will produce 1,000 megawatts, enough energy to power 300,000 homes. GE will begin delivering the turbines in 2010, and current plans call for the project to start producing power in 2011.Ultimately, Picken’s company, Mesa Power, plans to have enough turbines to produce 4,000 megawatts of energy, the overall project is expected to cost $10 billion and be completed in 2014.

$2 Billion Wind Turbine Order Is Largest Ever | MetaEfficient

Mother Earth


At the risk of sounding even more pompous than I actually am, I happen to know a bit about thermodynamics, complex systems and so forth and …

I couldn’t agree more with this article (below) as to the very real prospect of a truly terrible ‘tipping point’ within the next decade or two if we don’t address global warming right now..

I don’t typically enjoy being a harbinger of doom, and I do see lots of good things happening all over the globe, but … If the earth’s climate goes south, we’re looking at widespread crop failures and, as in Darfur, the resulting famine, war, disease, cats and dogs living together without the benefit of marriage and … other things too horrible to contemplate.


Earth at 350
by Bill McKibben

Even for Americans, constitutionally convinced that there will always be
a second act, and a third, and a do-over after that, and, if necessary,
a little public repentance and forgiveness and a Brand New Start–even
for us, the world looks a little Terminal right now.

It’s not just the economy. We’ve gone through swoons before. It’s that
gas at $4 a gallon means we’re running out, at least of the cheap stuff
that built our sprawling society. It’s that when we try to turn corn
into gas, it sends the price of a loaf of bread shooting upwards and
starts food riots on three continents. It’s that everything is so
inextricably tied together. It’s that, all of a sudden, those grim Club
of Rome types who, way back in the 1970s, went on and on about the
“limits to growth” suddenly seem… how best to put it, right.

All of a sudden it isn’t morning in America, it’s dusk on planet Earth.

There’s a number–a new number–that makes this point most
powerfully. It may now be the most important number on Earth: 350. As in
parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

A few weeks ago, our foremost climatologist, NASA’s Jim Hansen,
submitted a paper to Science magazine with several co-authors. The
abstract attached to it argued–and I have never read stronger
language in a scientific paper–“if humanity wishes to preserve a
planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life
on earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change
suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at
most 350 ppm.” Hansen cites six irreversible tipping points–massive
sea level rise and huge changes in rainfall patterns, among them–that
we’ll pass if we don’t get back down to 350 soon; and the first of them,
judging by last summer’s insane melt of Arctic ice, may already be
behind us.

So it’s a tough diagnosis. It’s like the doctor telling you that your
cholesterol is way too high, and if you don’t bring it down right away,
you’re going to have a stroke. So you take the pill, you swear off the
cheese, and, if you’re lucky, you get back into the safety zone before
the coronary. It’s like watching the tachometer edge into the red zone
and knowing that you need to take your foot off the gas before you hear
that clunk up front.

In this case, though, it’s worse than that because we’re not taking the
pill and we are stomping on the gas–hard. Instead of slowing down,
we’re pouring on the coal, quite literally. Two weeks ago came the news
that atmospheric carbon dioxide had jumped 2.4 parts per million last
year–two decades ago, it was going up barely half that fast.

And suddenly, the news arrives that the amount of methane, another
potent greenhouse gas, accumulating in the atmosphere, has unexpectedly
begun to soar as well. Apparently, we’ve managed to warm the far north
enough to start melting huge patches of permafrost and massive
quantities of methane trapped beneath it have begun to bubble forth.

And don’t forget: China is building more power plants, India is
pioneering the $2,500 car, and Americans are converting to TVs the size
of windshields that suck juice ever faster.

Here’s the thing. Hansen didn’t just say that, if we didn’t act, there
was trouble coming; or, if we didn’t yet know what was best for us, we’d
certainly be better off below 350 ppm of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. His phrase was: “…if we wish to preserve a planet similar
to that on which civilization developed.” A planet with billions of

people living near those oh-so-floodable coastlines. A planet with evermore vulnerable forests. (A beetle, encouraged by warmer temperatures, has already managed to kill
ten times more trees this year than in any previous infestation across the
northern reaches of Canada. This means far more carbon heading
for the atmosphere, and apparently dooms Canada’s efforts to comply with
the Kyoto Protocol, already in doubt because of its decision to start
producing oil for the US from Alberta’s tar sands.)

We’re the ones who kicked off the warming; now, the planet is starting
to take over the job. Melt all that Arctic ice, for instance, and
suddenly the nice white shield that reflected 80 percent of incoming solar
radiation back into space has turned to blue water that absorbs 80 percent of
the sun’s heat. Such feedbacks are beyond history, though not in the
sense that Francis Fukuyama had in mind.

And we have, at best, a few years to short-circuit them–to reverse
course. Here’s the Indian scientist and economist Rajendra
Pachauri, who accepted the Nobel Prize on behalf of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year (and, by the way,
got his job when the Bush Administration, at the behest of Exxon Mobil,
forced out his predecessor): “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s
too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our
future. This is the defining moment.”

In the next two or three years, the nations of the world are supposed to
be negotiating a successor treaty to the Kyoto Accord. When December
2009 rolls around, heads of state are supposed to converge on Copenhagen
to sign a treaty–a treaty that would go into effect at the last
plausible moment to heed the most basic and crucial of limits on
atmospheric CO2.

If we did everything right, says Hansen, we could see carbon emissions
start to fall fairly rapidly and the oceans begin to pull some of that
CO2 out of the atmosphere. Before the century was out we might even be
on track back to 350. We might stop just short of some of those tipping
points, like the Road Runner screeching to a halt at the very edge of
the cliff.

More likely, though, we’re the Coyote–because “doing everything
right” means that political systems around the world would have to take
enormous and painful steps right away. It means no more new coal-fired
power plants anywhere, and plans to quickly close the ones already in
operation. (Coal-fired power plants operating the way they’re supposed
to are, in global warming terms, as dangerous as nuclear plants melting
down.) It means making car factories turn out efficient hybrids next
year, just the way we made them turn out tanks in six months at the
start of World War II. It means making trains an absolute priority and
planes a taboo.

It means making every decision wisely because we have so little time and
so little money, at least relative to the task at hand. And hardest of
all, it means the rich countries of the world sharing resources and
technology freely with the poorest ones, so that they can develop
dignified lives without burning their cheap coal.

That’s possible–we launched a Marshall Plan once, and we could do it
again, this time in relation to carbon. But in a month when the
President has, once more, urged us to drill in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, that seems unlikely. In a month when the alluring
phrase “gas tax holiday” has danced into our vocabulary, it’s hard to
see (though it was encouraging to see that Clinton’s gambit didn’t sway
many voters). And if it’s hard to imagine sacrifice here, imagine China,
where people produce a quarter as much carbon apiece as we do.

Still, as long as it’s not impossible, we’ve got a duty to try. In fact,
it’s about the most obvious duty humans have ever faced.

A few of us have just launched a new campaign, 350.org. Its only goal is
to spread this number around the world in the next eighteen months, via art
and music and ruckuses of all kinds, in the hope that it will push those
post-Kyoto negotiations in the direction of reality.

After all, those talks are our last chance; you just can’t do this one
light bulb at a time. And if this 350.org campaign is a Hail Mary pass,
well, sometimes those passes get caught.

We do have one thing going for us: this new tool the web, which at
least allows you to imagine something like a grassroots global effort.
If the Internet was built for anything, it was built for sharing this
number, for making people understand that “350” stands for a kind of
safety, a kind of possibility, a kind of future.

Hansen’s words were well-chosen: “a planet similar to that on which
civilization developed.” People will doubtless survive on a non-350
planet, but those who do will be so preoccupied, coping with the endless
unintended consequences of an overheated planet, that civilization may

Civilization is what grows up in the margins of leisure and security
provided by a workable relationship with the natural world. That margin
won’t exist, at least not for long, this side of 350. That’s the limit
we face.


This article can be found on the web at:


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Breakthrough Cuts Greenhouse Gases

ScienceDaily (Apr. 27, 2008) — Scientists at Newcastle University have pioneered breakthrough technology in the fight to cut greenhouse gases. The Newcastle University team, led by Michael North, Professor of Organic Chemistry, has developed a highly energy-efficient method of converting waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into chemical compounds known as cyclic carbonates.

Technological Breakthrough In Fight To Cut Greenhouse Gases

FORTUNE: 11 great green ideas

sweet ride

Steve Fambro was sick of people whizzing past him in the carpool lane, so he decided to do something about it. He set out to design a three-wheeled vehicle — technically a motorcycle — that would make it legal for him to drive alone in that lane and be cozy enough for daily commuting. With an infusion of $20 million from Idealab, Bill Gross’s business incubator, Fambro’s company, Aptera, is scheduled to begin production of the $30,000 electric hybrid later this year.

11 great green ideas – Road runner 1 – FORTUNE